Eddie Basha
Honorable Man

Mr. Eddie Basha

There was once a very wise old man from South Phoenix who expressed to Newport Arizona that luck comes from the people you know.

If you have the privilege of knowing Mr. Eddie Basha you are certainly lucky, blessed and bound to be inspired. He is one of the greatest men in all of Arizona. A favored hero in real life.

He carries with him a carizma and likeability that very few people are able to emulate. He is like everyone's good friend.

He has incredible political strength. He is somewhat of the Thomas Jefferson version of genius which is defined as being produced from hard work. But this man is intelligent and carries the warmth of your favorite uncle or grandfather.

Being in the Grocery business it is absolutely amazing that in a market as small as Arizona, that Eddie Basha has become the homegrown grocer competing with several national chains and continues to create different stores for different tastes and budgets.

AJ's is very beautiful and upscale. It feels like Europe almost, but more organized and clean. Then there is a Food Club market for those who want and need discounted food to provide for the family. And another more generalized Store is simply named Basha's. Now all of these provide jobs to people who are very loyal to the Basha Family. The shoppers keep coming too.

For all his prominence and success Mr. Basha instists on always saying, "thank you". He does this on commercials, in the stores and even the grocery bags. The Basha discount card is a thank you card.

The Bashas contribute to good politicians and their campaigns. Once in a while if there isn't a good man or woman in the Governor's race... Mr. Basha will run for Governor of the State of Arizona.

He has not won that slot yet, but if he ever does, Arizona will have the intimate experience of genius in office and the benefit of tried and true service from a down to earth servant of the people. His management style and financial experience is sorely needed in Government affairs especially in the rough economy of today, 2008.

Mr. Basha gives of himself and his prosperity everyday of his life. We are proud to claim him as one of Arizona's true native sons.

He has a very unique regard for the Native Americans in the State of Arizona. He is very admired by all Arizonans. It has been our experience to see him bring opposing arguments to full reason and smooth resolve in an effort to create an atmosphere of harmony and improvement. Chandler is his home town and the center of the Basha Family enterprises.

Mr. Basha grew up in Chandler. He graduated from Chandler High School. You can't get much more hometown than that.

If you have a chance to hear him speak it is well worth the experience because he brings complicated issues to the forefront and gives solutions to make life better for all who want to participate. It is simple to understand, easy to get involved and filled with promise.

Take any opportunity to hear Mr. Basha express his views you will not regret it. Thanks Eddie for your example in business and your greatness in helping Arizona be all it can be. You have paved the way for all to enjoy Arizona just a little bit more when they get here.

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